
Reimagining Security Engineering using Semgrep and OPA

How tools like semgrep and OPA(Open Policy Agent) can trasform the way we do security engineering

AWS Inventory Extraction using CloudQuery

Learn how to extract your multi-account AWS inventory into CSV files using CloudQuery

Shift Left, Scale Up Security Using Threat Modelling

Security today not only needs to be shifted more towards the developers but also needs to be scaled up to reduce the dependency on the …

Bootstrap Security in Kubernetes Deployments

Learn how to practically boostrap security controls into your kubernetes deployments

CKA My 2 Paisa

My experience of completing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) course

Practical DevOps - Continous Monitoring using Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana Filebeat

Learn how to monitor logs real-time using the F-ELK stack

Practical DevOps - Continous Delivery using Jenkins

Learn how to have a continous delivery process using Jenkins

Practical DevOps - Continous Integration with Git Vault Talisman

Learn Continous integration using git vault and talisman

Practical DevOps - Infrastructure As Code using Vagrant Ansible & Docker

Learn Infrastructure as Code using Vagrant Ansible and Docker

Create A Personal Blog Using Hugo Academic Netlify

If you are tired of maintaining a blog on popular blogging websites and looking for a simple and easy to use blogging platform then …